/ / / Fox Cherry Tomato

Fox Cherry Tomato


Only 1 left in stock

About the Merchant

Fox Cherry Tomatoes grow on big, rangey vines typical of most cherries. Unlike most cherry tomatoes, the fruits are large enough to use as regular tomatoes–the 2 inch tomatoes can be sliced into small rounds, or quartered, or chomped whole in single mouth-filling bites. Cherry tomatoes are more disease-resistant than standard varieties; Fox outlasted all other tomatoes on our farm during the dismal blighty conditions of 2009 and survived 2011's wet season. We are grateful! Fox Cherries fill our pots time and time again, allowing us to squeeze out a couple shelves of canned quarts each season. A good combination of quantity, quality, and reliability, Fox does not disappoint.

Hudson Valley Seed Company | Accord, New York, USA | Est. 2004

Hudson Valley Seed Company is committed to growing organically, sourcing locally and sustainably, and preserving crop diversity by selecting unique, rare, and hard-to-find varieties. A values-driven seed farm celebrating responsible seed production and stewardship from the grounds of their certified organic farm in upstate New York where they produce heirloom and open-pollinated garden seeds, paired w/ beautiful garden-themed contemporary art-adorned packaging to stoke your horticultural imagination. We exclusively stock these limited release "Art Packs."