/ / / Elementary Skills Sewing Book

Elementary Skills Sewing Book


This book hopes to be your ever-ready tutor, to elaborate on troublesome methods or to offer a simple solution to a challenging task.

The Merchant & Mills Elementary Sewing Skills book is a pocket or bag companion, packed full of useful techniques for wardrobe maintenance or alterations.

Bound in linen, with crystal clear instructions, sequenced illustrations & beautiful photography, it is both useful & beautiful. Topics include darts & gathering, seams, ease, hems, interfacing & closures such a buttons & zips are all covered alongside advice on using & understanding patterns & preforming basic alterations. Successful sewing is very achievable: just make sure you have this book at hand at all times. Keep it simple & do it well.

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About the Merchant

Merchant & Mills | Rye, England, UK | Est. 2010

Founded by Carolyn Denham and Roderick Field in 2010 with the intention of bringing style and purpose to the overlooked world of sewing. They deliberately put style to work in their presentation and packaging, as language to attract the very people that had hitherto overlooked sewing. So, too, they sought to include the steadfast makers and menders who had never abandoned the lost art. Their purpose? Offer a viable, wearable alternative to the increasingly indistinguishable options of the high street.

Additional information

Weight 9.6 oz
Dimensions 5.25 × 7.25 × 0.5 in