/ / / Honey Drop Cherry Tomato

Honey Drop Cherry Tomato


Only 2 left in stock

About the Merchant

Honey Drop is the cake of all cherry tomatoes: an exceptionally sweet, well-flavored, and full-bodied tomato with substance. They are the ideal snacking tomato, small and mighty, with a fruity flavor and honey-like sweetness that beloved hybrid Sungold just can't match. Tevis and Rachel Robertson-Goldberg, of Crabapple Farm in Chesterfield, MA, developed this variety, and we have selected it further to eliminate the reddish off-types. Irresistible to all creatures who crave sweetness; protect from bears.

Hudson Valley Seed Company | Accord, New York, USA | Est. 2004

Hudson Valley Seed Company is committed to growing organically, sourcing locally and sustainably, and preserving crop diversity by selecting unique, rare, and hard-to-find varieties. A values-driven seed farm celebrating responsible seed production and stewardship from the grounds of their certified organic farm in upstate New York where they produce heirloom and open-pollinated garden seeds, paired w/ beautiful garden-themed contemporary art-adorned packaging to stoke your horticultural imagination. We exclusively stock these limited release "Art Packs."