Our eco-friendly and sustainable line of cleaning goods includes brushes, brooms, soaps and so much more to get things spic and span. From artisans that employ the visually impaired to craftsman that have been using the same recipe since 1865. Anyone can shop at Target. I want to provide products that will last, look great in your home and will work for years to come. I know choosing quality over quantity is an investment, but like all investments the true payoff is in the long-term, not the short-term. In fact, our products are more cost effective in the long term. I want you to fall in love with our products, not simply their price tag. I believe that a thing bought should be a thing kept, not tossed in the trash.
Eco-friendly and Sustainable, not Toxic and Harmful
Fer a Cheval | Marseille, France | Est. 1856
Vegetable oil, soda, salt & water: the 162-year-old, 4-ingredient soap beloved throughout France. In 19th century Marseille, hundreds of mom & pop manufacturers produced the town’s iconic product — soap. Toay, Fer a Cheval remains the oldest Marseille soap factory to perpetuate its production using the age-old, 4-ingredient, 5-step recipe. The week-long process begins in a cauldron and ends with a taste test by a master soap maker. Their signature soap is pure, hypoallergenic, biodegradable, and economical.

Burstenhaus Redecker | Versmold, Germany | Est. 1935
The first handcrafted Burstenhaus Redecker brushes were produced in 1935. Today, the name Burstenhaus Redeckers stands as it has for many years for an ideal combination of natural quality, function, and design. It lives from the blend of inventiveness, sound craftsmanship, and creativity. Handcrafted in Germany, Burstenhaus Redecker products are made of domestic, natural, sustainable wood, bristles, hairs, and plant fibers. Steeped in tradition, Redecker is synonymous with time-tested quality.

Iris Hantverk | Stockholm, Sweden | EST. 1870
Since 1889 Iris Hantverk brushes are hand-made by master craftsmen, utilizing Environmentally & socially sustainable FSC-certified Swedish hardwoods with animal hair & plant fiber bristle brushes. Devoted to quality + craft, their artisans make the brushes according to age-old Swedish traditions. Further, with a commitment to equal opportunity employment, 6 of their 17 master craftsmen are visually impaired + they regularly train + hire the visually disabled to craft their brushes and cognitively disabled to create their breadboxes as full-time, paid employees & apprentices alongside their expert craftsmen.